B.S. Psychology
Credit Hours
Max Transfer Credit
Class Type
100% online, 6 & 12-week courses
Next Start Date
Jan 8, 2024
Cost Per Credit

Earn a transfer-friendly B.S. 在线心理学学位

帮助人们实现他们的全部潜力有助于个人的长期成功, communities, and organizations. 这就是为什么懂人类思想的专业人士, behavior, and motivation are in-demand in a variety of roles and industries including: mental health and human services; business and organizational management; marketing and advertising; criminal justice; and education. With a transfer-friendly B.S. Psychology from Franklin, 你可以帮助人们管理他们的心理健康,或者利用他们的才能获得个人成功. 

Program Availability

On Site

Hands-On Experience


Tailored Program


Transfer Friendly

Transfer psychology courses toward core or elective requirements. 

Finish Faster


100% Online Classes




B.S. 心理学学位概述

Gain hands-on experience improving organizational performance

mg不朽情缘试玩的心理学学士学位课程旨在满足学生广泛的兴趣. mg不朽情缘游戏网址提供研究机会和实地经验,以确保您在毕业后为下一步做好准备. 你将有机会通过发展来展示你积累的知识, 执行和展示一个你感兴趣的研究项目. This project is a great addition to your professional portfolio and might even be the foundation for a research publication.

The B.S. 心理学也为你提供了通过实地经验在你的社区产生积极影响的机会. 学生们选择探索法医心理学, community mental health agencies (counseling + social work), addictions counseling, 商业心理辅导, and nonprofit advocacy organizations in their communities. 除了拓宽你的视野和提供宝贵的专业经验, 许多学生在毕业时都收到了实习单位的工作邀请.   

Tailor courses around a variety of rewarding career opportunities

无论你的最终职业目标是一成不变的,还是你还在制定细节, mg不朽情缘试玩的心理学学位课程很适合你. 有三个重点领域需要探索, 你将有机会深入挖掘你所知道和喜爱的东西, 或者在不增加时间或成本的情况下,从每个领域中选择适合自己的课程.

法医和犯罪心理学: 了解更多与刑事司法系统有关的心理健康方面的知识, offenders and victims.

产业组织心理学: 获得帮助个人克服障碍所需的基础知识, as well as the executive coaching skills required to improve individual and team performance in a variety of organizational settings.

Sports Psychology: 发展技能,成功地激励和指导他人达到最佳表现. 

Build your knowledge of psychological principals and theories

The psychology degree program is built on foundation courses recommended by the American Psychological Association that give you a solid understanding of the broad field of psychology. These courses were developed to provide the breadth and depth of knowledge needed for application of psychology principles. You’ll survey various aspects of general psychology and explore biological and physiological processes related to psychology. 作为社会心理学的一部分, 你会学到更多关于个人和团体是如何影响个人的. You’ll examine biological, 心理和社会对整个成年期心理发展的影响. 你将被介绍到咨询,临床心理学和心理健康的各种观点. Lastly, 你将学习在人类行为研究中成功运用科学方法的基本技能.


Franklin’s B.S. 心理学专业是适合转学的, too, 这意味着你可以少上一些课,更快地完成学位. 如果你已经在心理学上获得了学分, management and business, or have experience in human service professions -- such as chemical dependency or child development -- you’ll be able to finish your undergraduate education while still maintaining the continuity of your course of study.

Earn your degree from a university built for busy adults

Earn your Psychology degree on your terms by taking classes 100% online. Accredited and nonprofit, Franklin was built from the ground-up to satisfy the needs of adult learners. mg不朽情缘游戏网址的无缝转换流程和学术顾问团队将帮助您轻松过渡到成为学生, 而mg不朽情缘游戏网址灵活的课程安排有助于平衡你的教育和工作, family and life. 从今天开始规划你的未来.


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Grace Risner

B.S. Psychology

"Now that I have graduated, 我计划申请研究生院,目标是成为一名临床心理学家. mg不朽情缘试玩很适合我,因为我想要高中的经历,’ yet wanted to get ahead; through Franklin I could do both! "

Future Start Date

个别课程的开始日期可能会有所不同,并可能发生变化. Please request free information & speak with an admission advisor for the latest program start dates.

Spring 2024
Recommended Register By:
Dec 29
Spring 2024
Recommended Register By:
Feb 9
Spring 2024
Recommended Register By:
Mar 22
Summer 2024
Recommended Register By:
May 10
Summer 2024
Recommended Register By:
Jun 21
Fall 2024
Recommended Register By:
Aug 9
Fall 2024
Recommended Register By:
Sep 20
Fall 2024
Recommended Register By:
Nov 1

Your Best Value B.S. Psychology

Choose Franklin's B.S. 心理学,获得适合你生活和预算的高质量学位.



On average, students transfer in nearly 1/2 of the credits required.


Max Transfer Credits
Avg Transfer Credits
*$398 per credit, 120 Total Credits, 90 maximum transfer credits, 66 average transfer credits.

Have Credit? Save Time!


Previously earned credit saves you time toward your degree. 







Tuition Guarantee


Highly Recommended



资料来源:mg不朽情缘游戏网址职业发展办公室学生满意度调查(Summer 2023)


B.S. in Psychology Courses & Curriculum

120 Semester Hours
English Composition
ENG 120 - College Writing (4)

In this course, 学生掌握进行和展示研究所必需的写作能力. A variety of assignments, 从个人反思开始, build upon one another, 当学生发展想法回应, critique, 并综合其他人的立场. 学生系统化和组织知识的方式将有助于他们的所有课程. The course also emphasizes the elements of good writing style, 适当的语法和机制, clarity of language, 以及逻辑性和凝聚力的发展. It culminates in submission of a documented research paper.

MATH 215 - Statistical Concepts (4)

本课程向学生介绍统计学与商业应用. The course covers both descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics included are: measures of central tendency; measures of dispersion; graphical displays of data; linear regression; basic probability concepts; binomial and normal probability distributions; confidence intervals; and hypothesis testing. 这些主题将涵盖使用代数和微软Excel的基本知识. 注意:本课程有监考考试。.


Choose from Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology, and Sociology. Must select at least two different disciplines to meet requirements.


理科的两门课程. 一门课程必须有实验部分.

Arts & Humanities

Choose from the Art, English Literature, Fine Arts, Humanities, Music, Philosophy, 宗教或戏剧学科.

PF 121 -基本学习策略(二)

This course introduces students to the Franklin University community and provides strategies for successful transition to and participation in that community. 主题包括大学资源和程序, 提高沟通技巧的策略, the use of electronic tools to participate in virtual environments, 以及学术和职业规划的发展.

OR PF 321 - Learning Strategies (2)

本课程为学生在学术上和他们选择的职业中成为成功的终身学习者做好准备. Franklin courses require a high level of self-directed learning and focus on skills required in the workplace and the classroom that are easily transferable between the two environments. The course includes 提高沟通技巧的策略, 包括利用电子工具参与虚拟环境. 课程中的作业和活动是为了模拟工作场所的团队合作而设计的.

COMM 150 -人际沟通(4)

通过运用批判性和创造性思维, students in this course will develop a set of communication skills that will enhance their personal and professional relationships and endeavors. 本课程将侧重于技能发展的关键领域,如自我, perception, listening, verbal messages, conversations, relationships, conflict management, persuasion, and public speaking.

OR SPCH 100 - Speech Communication (4)

这门公开演讲课程强调即席演讲的基础. Skill-building activities and assignments focus on research, organization, reasoning, 演讲的风格和表达,以及倾听和听众参与.

COMM 315 -传播伦理(四)

This course examines the strategies involved in effective, 专业背景下的道德沟通. Students examine principles of ethical organizational communication and the temporal/cultural/social forces behind those principles, 以及在个人和小组作业中运用推理和批判性思维. Comparing values and perspectives from diverse cultures, 学生将在跨文化的专业环境中对案例做出反应.

Professional Core
ENG 205 - Business & Professional Writing (4)

这是一门中级写作课程,侧重于商业和专业用途的写作. 学生将学习商业和专业环境中常见的写作习惯, 以及在这些环境中分析修辞情境的策略. 课程作业包括分析, revision, and research exercises, as well as substantial practice in composing business correspondence. 最后的项目是一个广泛的, 研究分阶段开发的商业计划书并向全班展示. 鼓励学生将课程材料与他们的专业和工作经历联系起来.

OR ENG 220 - Research Writing: Exploring Professional Identities (4)

这是一门中级课程,侧重于研究论文的写作. Students in this course prepare to be active participants in professional discourse communities by examining and practicing the writing conventions associated with their own fields of study and work. By calling attention to the conventions of disciplinary writing, the course also prepares students for upper-division college writing and the special conventions of advanced academic discourse. Course activities include three extended research papers, semi-formal writing addressing interdisciplinary communication, 和阅读培养批判性参与学科对话.

Accounting, Anthropology, Business Administration, Business Forensics, Communication, Criminal Justice, Economics, Emergency Management & Homeland Security, Finance, Healthcare, 人力资源管理, Information Systems, Management, Marketing, Operations & Supply Chain Management, Organizational Development, Political Science, Psychology, Public Relations, Public Safety Management, Social Science, or Sociology. Other courses may be accepted upon review by the Program Chair.

Major Area Required
PSYC 110 - General Psychology (4)

对包括现代科学心理学在内的各个研究领域的综述. 这门课程考察了这些理论, research findings, and applications in each of the major areas of psychology, 目的是为学生提供可以应用于个人和职业生活的实践信息. The topic areas covered in the course include learning and memory, motivation and emotion, human development, theories of personality, psychopathology, and social behavior.

PSYC 201 - Neuropsychology (3)

与心理学学科相关的生物和生理过程被探索. The dynamic interaction between nature and nurture is emphasized as it informs the understanding of the psychology of mental illness, substance addiction, aggression, anger, aging, and cognition.

PSYC 202 - Social Psychology (3)

本课程探讨其他人、群体和情境对个人的影响. The concepts of social psychology are examined from a variety of theoretical perspectives utilizing contemporary societal problems. 科学方法被应用于发现社会世界中的个人功能.

PSYC 390 - Cognition (3)

本课程将介绍认知心理学的核心问题、理论和实验结果. 涉及的主题包括感知, attention, memory, language, learning, reasoning, and problem solving. 学生将学习将这些知识应用到他们自己的学术旅程和工作中.

PSYC 403 -心理咨询理论(3)

向学生介绍咨询心理学. Various theoretical perspectives of counseling are explored. 综合咨询理论, research, 实践的目标是为客户取得成功的治疗结果.

PSYC 407 - Abnormal Psychology (3)

This course introduces students to clinical psychology through the exploration of the major categories of psychological disturbance, 以现行的DSM为基础. 包括病因、预后和治疗方式的实证检查. 还讨论了有关心理健康问题的伦理问题和社会/文化观点. Knowledge of basic biological processes is recommended.

COMM 335 -小组及团队沟通(四)

本课程探讨当前的理论和最佳实践,在专业背景下协同工作. Students apply these concepts to analyze their own work experience, 为如何提高他们在工作组中的表现制定策略. Students will learn basic project management skills and work in online virtual teams to complete a final communication project.

SOCL 335 -应用研究方法(4)

Applied Research Methods introduces students to the basic research designs and data collection techniques involved in human subjects? 社会研究环境共同的研究. 完成本课程后, the student should know the basics of social research ethics, 研究过程的步骤, 选定类型的定性和定量研究策略的优势和劣势, 选择、创造和改进测量仪器的问题, how to properly select an appropriate sample of subjects, 以及如何解释在假设检验中使用的选定统计测量.

PSYC 495 - Psychology & Soc Scie Capstone (4)

本课程提供了一个高潮, integrative experience for all Psychology and Social Science majors. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their mastery of the learning outcomes associated with the major. Students will self-select a capstone project that can be completed within the duration of the course that will provide evidence of their subject matter learning 同时也为他们自己和参与组织带来好处.

OR SOSC 495 - Psychology & 社会科学实习(四)

本课程提供了一个高潮, integrative experience for all Psychology and Social Sciences majors. The purpose is to provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their mastery of the learning outcomes associated with the major. Students will self-select a practicum field experience that can be completed within the duration of the course that will provide evidence of their subject matter learning, 同时也为他们自己和参与组织带来好处.

PSYC 207 - Lifespan Development (3)

一项关于人类一生发展的调查研究了生物学, psychological, 以及社会对发展的影响. 与儿童发展相关的突出理论观点, adolescence, early adulthood, midlife, 晚年生活也包括在内.

OR PSYC 209 -成人发展与老化(3)

对青年、中年和老年的调查. 调查了有关成年期成长和发展的心理学理论和研究. 重点放在心理上, social and biological changes that occur during the adult years.

Major Electives


CJAD 210 -刑事司法行政概论(四)

This is an introductory course designed to expose students to the various Major elements of the criminal justice system (police, courts, and corrections). 学生将学习各种系统相互作用的方式, 对罪犯的处理, the various forms of punishment and the alternatives to punishment. The future of the criminal justice system will also be discussed.

CJAD 240 -犯罪学概论(4)

This course will focus on theories of crime and types of offending. 与因果关系相关的话题, 本课程将讨论犯罪行为的控制和预防.

EXS 203 -当代体育问题(3)

Designed to look at sport and its role in society and the influence of society on sport in the areas of preparation for life, deviance in sports, coach's role, gender, race and ethnicity, 阶级关系和社会流动, sports and the economy, sports and the media, sports and politics, sports and religion.

EXS 204 -运动及运动心理学入门(3)

本课程向学生介绍运动和运动心理学理论, research, and selected applications of those theories and research. Topics include, but are not limited to, motivation, team dynamics, improving performance, 以及运动中的挑战/转变. 学生还将学习如何将运动心理学概念应用于专业, personal, and social contexts.

PSYC 204 -动机原理(4)

本课程是对动机的理论、模型和方法的系统研究. 本课程包括动机的发展,以及动机的神经学方面. The student will explore internal and external factors that contribute to motivation and a variety of strategies that can be used to become a successful motivator.

PSYC 325 -组织辅导(4)

This course is designed to introduce students to the use of coaching skills for improving the adjustment and performance of individuals in an organizational setting. Topics to be covered include: the scope of coaching practice, 最佳从业人员特征, benefits for coaches, 相关组织动力学, 辅导干预和资源. 本课程还包括通过指导实践活动强调实验学习.

PSYC 420 - Assessment & 组织干预(4)

This course explores the use of psychological instrumentation as a means for improving individual and organizational performance. 重点是对优势和积极心理功能的评估. 学生将熟悉各种心理工具,包括它们的选择, construction, and administration. Additionally, students will gain experience with the interpretation and delivery of instrument results and their translation into individual and organizational improvement interventions.

CJAD 400 -法医心理学(四)

这门课程概述了19世纪末以来的心理学和法律的历史?它符合道伯特标准,甚至更高. The course outlines various arenas where the law and particularly aspects of the criminal justice system have utilized psychology to inform investigations and litigation. 民事诉讼的一些方面涉及家庭法和骚扰. 这门课程介绍犯罪心理学, sexual violence, 以及心理学角度的受害者学.

PSYC 601 -商业心理学导论(4)

A brief history and overview of the fields of business and psychology as well as a discussion of the issues and opportunities related to their integration. 主题包括大脑组织和支配, neuroethics, 神经语言学编程, multiminds, 思维导图和积极心理学在工作环境中的应用. Includes the application of recent discoveries in cognitive psychology and neuroscience to resolve contemporary issues in the workplace.

University Electives


Optional Focus Areas



Forensic & Criminal Psychology:

CJAD 210 -刑事司法行政概论(四)

This is an introductory course designed to expose students to the various Major elements of the criminal justice system (police, courts, and corrections). 学生将学习各种系统相互作用的方式, 对罪犯的处理, the various forms of punishment and the alternatives to punishment. The future of the criminal justice system will also be discussed.

CJAD 240 -犯罪学概论(4)

This course will focus on theories of crime and types of offending. 与因果关系相关的话题, 本课程将讨论犯罪行为的控制和预防.

CJAD 400 - Forensic Psychology (4)

这门课程概述了19世纪末以来的心理学和法律的历史?它符合道伯特标准,甚至更高. The course outlines various arenas where the law and particularly aspects of the criminal justice system have utilized psychology to inform investigations and litigation. 民事诉讼的一些方面涉及家庭法和骚扰. 这门课程介绍犯罪心理学, sexual violence, 以及心理学角度的受害者学.



PSYC 204 -动机原理(4)

本课程是对动机的理论、模型和方法的系统研究. 本课程包括动机的发展,以及动机的神经学方面. The student will explore internal and external factors that contribute to motivation and a variety of strategies that can be used to become a successful motivator.

PSYC 325 -组织辅导(4)

This course is designed to introduce students to the use of coaching skills for improving the adjustment and performance of individuals in an organizational setting. Topics to be covered include: the scope of coaching practice, 最佳从业人员特征, benefits for coaches, 相关组织动力学, 辅导干预和资源. 本课程还包括通过指导实践活动强调实验学习.

PSYC 420 - Assessment & 组织干预(4)

This course explores the use of psychological instrumentation as a means for improving individual and organizational performance. 重点是对优势和积极心理功能的评估. 学生将熟悉各种心理工具,包括它们的选择, construction, and administration. Additionally, students will gain experience with the interpretation and delivery of instrument results and their translation into individual and organizational improvement interventions.


Sports Psychology:

EXS 203 -当代体育问题(3)

Designed to look at sport and its role in society and the influence of society on sport in the areas of preparation for life, deviance in sports, coach's role, gender, race and ethnicity, 阶级关系和社会流动, sports and the economy, sports and the media, sports and politics, sports and religion.

EXS 204 -运动及运动心理学入门(3)

本课程向学生介绍运动和运动心理学理论, research, and selected applications of those theories and research. Topics include, but are not limited to, motivation, team dynamics, improving performance, 以及运动中的挑战/转变. 学生还将学习如何将运动心理学概念应用于专业, personal, and social contexts.

PSYC 204 -动机原理(4)

本课程是对动机的理论、模型和方法的系统研究. 本课程包括动机的发展,以及动机的神经学方面. The student will explore internal and external factors that contribute to motivation and a variety of strategies that can be used to become a successful motivator.

Additional Requirements

All students are required to pass College Writing (ENG 120), and either Basic Learning Strategies (PF 121) or Learning Strategies (PF 321) prior to enrolling in any course at the 200 level or above. Students who enroll at Franklin with 30 or fewer hours of transfer credit are required to pass PF 121 Basic Learning Strategies in place of PF 321 Learning Strategies. Interpersonal Communication (COMM 150) or Speech Communication (SPCH 100) must be taken prior to enrolling in any course at the 300 level or above. 学生还必须满足大学代数能力要求.


In today's dynamic work environments, adaptive professionals thrive. 微证书——无论是作为一个独立的课程还是整合到你的学位项目中——都是短期的, 特定技能的认可,使你能够在一个特定的领域展示你的能力. 比如mg不朽情缘试玩的学位课程, 微证书与市场和行业需求保持一致,以确保您学到的知识可以立即投入使用. Microcredentials are easily shared via digital badges and can be stacked to create a unique portfolio of in-demand skills.

B.S. 心理学课程详情


Executive Coach



Career development specialists develop and administer programs to help leaders and staff plan and attain their career goals.


员工关系代表通过调解问题来促进员工福利, 解决工作场所的问题,协助日常人力资源管理工作.


Interpersonal effectiveness trainers coach employees in improving interpersonal communications through self-awareness training and behavior modification.


培训和发展专家创造, 实施和评估员工培训计划, 协助新员工入职培训, 工作转换和组织变革管理.

Human Services Counselor

在解决问题或危机的过程中,人类服务顾问代表并支持一群人, 提供生活技能指导, and connect others to valuable resources and assistance.



From 2021-2031, jobs in Psychology are expected to increase by 12%

All Occupations

2,784,610 jobs
3,120,183 jobs
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131,058 jobs
145,516 jobs


76,555 jobs
93,594 jobs

Rehabilitation Counselors

107,906 jobs
119,303 jobs

Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors

337,779 jobs
415,002 jobs


342,387 jobs
385,601 jobs


30,642 jobs
34,333 jobs

Psychiatric Aides

59,988 jobs
64,534 jobs




About the Psychology Major


下面列出的证书和培训与这个学位课程相关. 搜索mg不朽情缘游戏网址的数据库以查看预评估的凭证,并查看许可证如何, 认证或专业培训为你获得学位节省了时间和金钱.


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